Enrollment Procedure
As a start, we invite parents to visit our school and to take a closer look at the conditions we offer for their children’s education. We consider that this is important for their decision-making process as to which school to choose for their children’s education. One of the members of the administration, with working hours from 08: 00-15: 30, with a great pleasure will show you all the school premises where you will have the opportunity to ask questions about anything that interests you about your children’s education and school enrollment procedures.
To enroll your child in our school, you can choose one of these educational stages, based on your child’s age:
- Pre-primary level (age 4-6 years)
- Primary level (Grades I – V)
- Lower Secondary level (Grade VI – IX)
- Upper Secondary level (Class X – XII)
You can apply online through the school website by clicking here or you can visit our school in person. Regardless of the form you choose to apply, you must submit the relevant documents for the level you wish to enroll your child for him/her to gain the ‘enrolled’ status in our school.
Listed below you will find all the necessary documents for registration according to the respective level:
1.Pre-primary (age 4-6 years)
- Children should be psychologically and physically able, and be recommended by the school pedagogue for suitability to continue with the learning process;
- The application form is available on the website or in hard copy at school
- Birth certificate
- Health certificate
- Two photos
2.Primary (Class I-V)
- The application form is available on the website or in hard copy at school
- Birth certificate
- Two photos
- Transcript of the grades from the previous school year (valid for students from the 2nd grade)
- The evaluation by the school pedagogue
3.Lower secondary (Class VI-IX)
- The application form is available on the website or in hard copy at school
- Birth certificate
- Two photos
- Transcript of the grades from the previous school year
- The evaluation by the school pedagogue
4.Upper secondary (X-XII)
Horizon School, in the upper secondary level offers the following study program:
- Natural Science
The necessary documents for enrollment in upper secondary level:
- The application form is available on the website or in hard copy at school
- Birth certificate
- Two photos
- Certificate of completion of lower secondary education (transcript of grades of the previous year)
- The evaluation by the school pedagogue
Deadline for registration
The regular enrollments in Horizon School start in May and last until September of each school year.
If the student enrolls in the middle of the term, in addition to the above-mentioned documents,
he/ she must also bring the transfer paper from the previous school.
If the student has completed the previous grade outside the Republic of Kosovo, he / she must validate the certificate at the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, according to the legislation in force.
Additional information:
All necessary documents must be completed before the education contract is signed, while applications can be accepted even without completed documents.
If you need further information regarding the enrollment process, please call +383 48 153 153, or email info@horizonschool-ks.com