Art Room/Atelier
The art room is the space where students find peace of mind, inspiration, and express their creative ideas. In addition to art classes, students use this room to carry out projects in other subjects. The shelves fitted in this room, which are divided by class, enable students to place their tools and materials so that they do not have to carry artwork at home. The large space allows us to exhibit their artwork, and every time you have the opportunity you can visit our mini gallery. Art enables children to work through feelings and emotions, and referencing a finished work of art helps a child talk about feelings in a whole new and meaningful way. Also, art evolves a child’s creativity. Working with a paintbrush or small tool helps to develop excellent motor skills in children. Whereas, working on large canvas or towels helps to develop muscle control. The painting also helps advance your child’s hand-eye coordination. “Therefore, we believe that each child’s art is unique.”